Our hauora is our health and wellbeing. Explore how alcohol can affect the different dimensions of our hauora, and how you can protect you and your whānau from harm.

Wairua is our essence of being, belonging and connecting to the things that give us meaning. Discover more about what wairua means to you by hearing what others have to say.
Our mental and emotional wellbeing are core to how we navigate our connections to the world. Alcohol can have different impacts on our thoughts and feelings.
Taha whānau is about how we belong, care, and share with each other. Learn more about the impacts of alcohol harm on different generations of our whānau and what we can do to look out for them.
Our taha tinana is our physical wellbeing. We feel, move, and grow better when we nurture this part of ourselves well. Learn more about how alcohol can have an effect on our bodies.